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Monday, January 17, 2011

The Unusual Event

 One unusual event in my life was a strange dream. I was dreaming that I was in department store shopping for new swimming trunks. Suddenly, a fire alarm rang through the white tiled building as other shoppers and my family ran through towards the exits in a panicked tone. BANG! CRASH! CRUNCH! SNAP! As my gang and I just left the building, the ceiling and walls caved in onto the floor. EU! EU! EU! I could hear fire trucks approaching but I didn't stop to look for them, I kept running. A flaming brick soared above my head, hit a car's engine, and blew up in a deadly explosion near me. SNAP! SCRICH! CRICK! I screamed in pain as I tripped on the fire-grazed blackened pavement. The pain was so deep, I had to keep a conscious effort not to pass out. I peeled myself off the ground and kept stumbling. Suddenly, a wall of fire blocked my path as I skidded across the parking lot floor and turned around. I turned around and saw the most unusual thing I ever saw: a humanoid swirling in fire so hot I could feel its heat like it was right next to me. My vision suddenly went black as something hit me from behind.

 I woke in a glass cave with a pond of green water and a golden door at the mouth of the cave. I immediately stood up and fell back down in pain. Somehow I had broken my ankle. As if on cue something entered the cave. It had massive purple wings, frosty white hair, blue eyes, and an orange bandanna around its mouth. His torso was blue just like the rest of his scaly body. His deep voice indicated he was a male as he said "Hello Earthling, you are on the planet Mecos." I answered him by saying "How far is that from Earth?'' "About 21 light-years" and with that he sprayed black gas in the air and I blacked out once more. Now I woke up in my room. Out the window I could see trees, snow, and other types of nature. Suddenly, my mom called out from a distance" Draco, breakfast is ready you have to hurry to catch the bus." when I had to go to school. I jumped out of bed and slumbered towards the kitchen. It was a normal Monday when I had to go to school.
Goodbye dreams! Goodmorning reality!