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Friday, July 9, 2010

Stray cats

As a stray cat I would get chased by hobos all day or if I don't get chased I would scratch myself and hunt birds. I sleep at a bus stop that has been abandoned for many years. In the morning, I get up at dawn and hunt. Oh and about my appearance, I am all leaf green with dark brown eyes. Since the age of 16 some sort of crest started to grow on my joints like armor. That is why I have become silver now. More strange things happened since then. I mean things like walking on two legs and talking in English and Bengali. Its crazy but cool to write and have an army of hobos. Okay I know that the last sentence doesn't fit in but it still makes you feel like a millionaire.

                                    19 YEARS LATER
Now I'm a millionaire, dream came true. I got the money with my new powers. The power works like this, I snap my fingers and I get what ever I want. However the point is that I'm not a stray cat, I'm a rich human.

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