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Friday, July 23, 2010

My Favorite Sport

My favorite sport is soccer. I enjoy playing this sport because I'm successful at it. For example I made to the travel team this year. I also play for the Triple Tigers for five years now. Let me explain the rules to you. Oh and the rules are  a bit different. You must stay in your suits at all times. Only osmosian can be keepers. To referee you must be an oakloar. If player is damaged when not in use of ball a penalty is required. Ball must be in air to be played. Now you might be thinking that's not alot of rules. Your right it isn't, that's why soccer is rough. Now let me explain how the game works. First the referee throws the ball into the air. Who ever gets it first takes the ball and tries to score.

The History Of Soccer:
Soccer started when a bored king started to kick things around. That evolved to kicking balls around. Then people noticed and made it an international game.


word: osmosian
meaning:A being that can absorb energy.

meaning:A being that can temporarily paralize.

About The Ball
The ball is a metal ball that is highly exlosive.
For example one blew up in my neighborhood yesterday.
To be contined..........................

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