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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

As an ant I would see the world as a labyrinth. I'm saying that because wherever I go, there always is someone there to kill me. Here is my dying schedule: Monday, go to New York. Today I got a car ride to NY city where I almost died. Here is how it went. First a guy picked me up  put me in his hot dog and would have ate me if I hadn't  hopped on to his mustache jumped of waited in the car that brought me here until they drove me home. Tuesday, back at home. Now that I'm back at home I do chores every day which are extremly dangerous. What I have to do is lead a bunch of ants into a ant trap not get caught and survive home.     Wednesday, welcome to Hawaii. I got stuck on a boat went to Hawaii get attacked by mutans and come back on starfish. Trip to soccer city. A crazy sicentist shipped me of to soccer city to be examaned . Just then a rat freed me, took me on his back and ran for the exits. Though alarms went off we escaped from the lab. We kept running but humans were catching up. They were coming from all direction and surrounding us. We hid in a hole but the people smoked us out. they caught the rat on the other side but I escaped. There was a lake nearby so the animals in the water took me home.

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