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Monday, August 16, 2010

The Profency Part Three

"What's after lunch Rex?" asked James." Art, Phis Edd, Double- "Stop making life worse" said James. "Due to poor weather circumstances school will close in 30 minutes and will be like that for the rest of the week "announced the speaker. Everybody rushed to there lockers got the important stuff out and raced to waiting buses or  went to their car to drive home. James, Maggie, and I got into the car and started to drive home but James just turned the car around at our street." Were are we going?" I asked . "You'll see when we get there" said James and Maggie handed me a flashlight and told me to put it away in my pocket. I'd did so but didn't understand why. "Look time is short, you are a son of the wind gods in Greek. We are taking you to a camp to train for combat and things that sort" said Maggie. "James, this taking too long can we shadow travel?" asked Maggie. "Sure"replied James. All around us turned black and then we were at a camp with a rectangle of cabins. "This is camp half blood mate"." I really am a son of hades and she is daughter of Zeus. Here we train to fight monsters. Do you still have that flashlight, if so click it, " said James. I clicked it and it grew into a sword made with bronze."Wow". "Plus you have brothers and sisters in your cabin. Its that one, you should go check it out". Once I entered the cabin I didn't wonder how they build it because the inside was clearly out cool stuff. My brothers and sisters were all looking at me like they knew me for ages. " Hey little bro I'll guild through the camp" said one of my brothers. He showed me the capture the flag area, arena, and other things."He even taught me how to to use my powers and wind gale. Tomorrow morning we had a game of capture the flag. I was the a little nervous because people could actually die but my brother told me that as long as I stayed close to him I'll be all right. Which reassured me. Once a horn blew the teams clashed together fighting like mad but the whole wind cabin flew over them making the wind push them through the skies. Some people noticed and shot arrows but everybody in the air dodged the arrows. Soon we located the flag swopped down reicved it got it back to our side and won the game.

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