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Friday, July 16, 2010

A Thrilling Sledding Experience.....

My thrilling sledding experience was at Nara Park. It started as Jason pushing head first on my circular sled. Then Jason pushed me again and I rushed down a steep hill with my sled. Jason had prepared a ramp on the same track. That's why I got thrown into the air landed on a plant and got tangled in it. Once I untangled myself I started to walk up the hill. Just then I tripped over my slide and started to slide down the hill again. As I slid down I got stuck in the same plant. But this time it was the ice that made me fall. At the moment I was heading head first into a snow bank. I would have crashed if I didn't do a 180 degree turn and smashed the bank apart. It slowed me down so I could stop and get up. Now I got into a snowball fight against Jason. P.S I won the fight.

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