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Friday, June 25, 2010

An Invention That I value Is ..........................................

An invention that I value is my TOSHIBA laptop. It is all black with a bit of silver. I value this because I use this invention almost everyday. I use my laptop to do many things such as blogging, entertainment, researching, etc. This is a very useful tool for me because if I need to know a spelling of a word all I have to do is search it up. It is like a dictionary except faster. More reasons why I value my laptop. It comes with a free Internet connection that can access information all around the universe. It also is so fast that even the best of Verizon networks isn't this fast. You also can get a translator that will speak back to you. I need that for interview's with foreign people. There is a kind of icon that will let you download any kind of video, game, or information too. Even classified military info. Another good thing about this laptop is that it's security is phenomenal. Since this is the most important  laptop it cannot be traveled with. That's why you can't ever see this laptop. You might have seen laptops similar to this but non is quite as useful as this one.



  1. I challange you to make this laptop or spell the longest word in the world. Do you accept the challenge?

  2. PART 2
    You also have to tell me what the longest word in the world means.

  3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longest_word_in_English check out this link... which one do you think should be considered the longest ?

  4. and I found this information thanks to.... hmm...lemmi see... what did I use??? YES!!! my LAPTOP ;)
