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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

That Made My Blood Boil................

That made my my blood boil has two meanings.The first one is some kind of disease that makes your blood actually boil. This is the common way of someone saying that made my blood boil. The other meaning means that you get enraged. For example I wrote 8 reasons that makes my blood boil. Reason1 : One thing that makes my blood boil is the fact that the government has hidden from us. The truth that aliens are real and that its obvious. There are millions of people with me on the the last sentence I wrote. My neighbors and I started a project that will bring proof that aliens are real. I now this stuff because I found a copy of it on the Internet with my Toshiba. Reason2: MBB when ISP Decides that the want to throttle my high speed Internet. Reason 3: MBB when saran wrap sticks to each other. Reason4: MBB when some one uses my other laptop (not Toshiba) there are a thousand pop-ups installed when I get it back. Reason5: MBB when I get stuck in traffic because road construction.Reason6: MBB when my computer starts to restart my computer even if I deny it to. Reason7: MBB when my computer gets a virus. Reason8: MBB when I lose a insulting contest.
    Please post what  makes MBB on the coment board.


  1. Come on guys can't post what makes your blood boil?

  2. when I see some innocent person seriously wronged.
