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Friday, June 18, 2010

What Would Be Your Ideal Bike?

My ideal bicycle would be a trick bike. I want the bike to have changeable tires so I could change it from trick to racing to luxury. Its handlebars would be changeable too. Most bikes can do that but this one also has a really light battery. Another reason I want this bike is that it  has really light headlights like a car for biking in the dark. The bike can even be powered on solar power. Here is a another reason why this bike is handy. It has a food dispenser on the bottom of the bike for long trips. Plus the bike comes with temporary paint of all the colours you want. With the unlimited coverage. The bad part is that you can only have 1 medium sized drink with you. Oh well, I will have to live with it. I almost forgot to tell you that the bike is sold out so don't try getting one. If you want one come to my place (You will never find it). I got a buy one  get one free!

                                                       $ ABOUT THE PRICE $
  I could sell this kind of bike for 100,000 pieces of gold but as I said in one of the other postings (Bad News) that I'm already real rich. Well, any ways the 100,000 pieces of gold was a total rip-off. P.S don't try getting the bike its really expensive.

                                          Acknowledgements (For objects and humans)!
                                                    The Awesome Bike
                                                       My Laptop


  1. I really like the design of the bike! A diagram would be nice too:)

    Its a little toooo expensive for me to afford at this point! May be I will get this a mother's day gift some day!

    Awesome post, Draco! Keep up the good work.....

  2. I like the acknowledgement best :) not to mention the bike
